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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What a fussy baby!!

I was so happy this morning when Jacob had to wake me up to wake up Lily Ann to feed her! She usually sleeps from about 930-6am but this morning is was 7am. Jacob was headed to work so I got up to feed her (which she basically slept through the whole feeding). After her bottle she went back down like she always does and I had to wake her at 1145am to feed her again! I think I just should have let her sleep because she has been fussy all morning and wants to be held! I'm so thankful Jacob is home today to help. I have so much to get done before Uncle Luke gets here in the morning! I'm guessing it was a gas bubble because I just heard Jacob do the "Aawwwww She got me!" HAHAHA!!

Lily Ann is now drinking almost 5 ounces every 3 hours during the day with rice cereal in the bottle to get her to fatten up! I'm very surprised that she took to the rice so well. We had problems with her in the past with spitting up so much but since we have added the rice she hardly every spits up! We are trying to get her on a schedule now since she sleeps so well at night! Lily Ann is not one for naps during the day she usually has about 2-4 "cat naps", which if we are lucky may last 30 minutes but are usually 10-20 minutes, just long enough to get in the shower..LOL!! (I never knew I could shower and get ready so quickly! LOL) The only time she ever really sleeps during the day is if she is in her car seat and we are out running errands! Here's what we do typically during the day:

6am-Wakes for feeding/Diaper change
7am- Goes back to bed
11:30am- wakes up for feeding
12:00pm-Change diaper get dressed for the day(This is usually when we get our errands run for the day) we are lucky if we get a 15 minute nap in!
2:30pm-Feeding/Diaper Change
3:00pm-tummy time on her play mat and sometimes Baby Einstein movie (which she loves!!)
3:45pm-Rock her to sleep for a nap!
4:30pm-up from nap!! HAHAHA!! (Sometimes she will sleep longer but usually not!)
5:30pm Bottle/Diaper Change
6:00pm-Fix dinner/try and get some housework done/She usually will fall asleep for a little bit around this time!
7:45pm-Bath time (which is her favorite!!)
8:30pm-Last bottle
9-9:30pm- Bed time!

We are so lucky that she sleeps through the night! I will take "Cat Naps" during the day over waking up every 2-4 hours in the night! LOL!! If you have any advice on getting her to take longer naps during the day I would appreciate it!!

1 comment:

Amy and Jerry said...

I'm glad you've got a sleeper too. We swaddle Treyson up tight for night-time and naps too. The uncontrollable jerks his arms still make will wake him up still, so swaddling with his hands down is great for him. Supposedly, babies' have "active sleep" where they'll wake after a short amount of time, but if you leave them be they'll fall into their "deep sleep". Not saying that's Lily Ann's deal, but if you haven't tried swaddling, you might consider it. Treyson takes about 3 naps daily--ranging from 1.5-3 hours, and still sleeps his 11-12 hour good naps don't mean they won't sleep through the night!

Good luck! Every baby is soooo different, but that's my two cents worth!