Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tummy-Tickler Tuesday...

So I had to take my truck into the shop today to get the airbag switch fixed and find out why my check engine light was coming on.. Lily Ann and I got up early this morning and had the truck there by 8:30!(Which is very early for us!) Jacob was on duty and had called and said that it should only take an hour or so so I figured LA and I would hang out there until it was done. Well when we got there it was going to be a couple of hours and I knew better than to wait with her so they offered to bring us home and we could come back later to pick it up.. (Great because I really needed to get the house cleaned before Erika and her friends arrive tomorrow!) This nice gentleman took out her car seat and put it in the van.. I watched him as he latched it in and I put her in and away we went..

So as we get in the van I'm telling him how to get to the house, which was about 2 miles down the road! (Thank goodness!) We start beebopping through the parking lot and all of a sudden he accelerates as he's turning and I hear a "Woooo" and I look behind and LA is leaned over to the side.. I about died.. I was trying not to laugh as the guy was telling me how he had worked for the dealership for over 35 years and he was going on and on and as I'm holding the car seat up..(She wasn't going to tip all the way over she was just sliding along the back seat!) "Okay", I'm thinking," it's a straight shot to the house from here we can make it!" Well every time we hit a stop light and as we would start to go he would gun it so no one would get in front of him.. and every time he gunned it you would hear a "Wooooooo" coming from the back seat.. I thought I was going to pee my pants from holding in my laughter.. He would say "Wow, that baby sure is talkative and loves to ride in the car!" I'm thinking you are making her tummy tickle silly!! If I had a video of it I'm sure we would have won $10,000!!

Have I told you...

How much I love this baby!!!! Just look at those blue eyes!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

We are moving!!!

Yes we finally heard on Friday(Sorry I'm just now getting around to posting!) that we will be moving next month to California! I can't believe we are moving to California. Jacob and I have always said that we could never imagine ourselves living there. Never say never right!?! We are excited though. Lily Ann's Godparents are going to be less than 45 minutes away from us and Jacob's old boss is going to be his boss again..(Which we are excited about!) I'm starting to freak out a little because that is a very long way to California with a dog and a baby! No worries though we are going to make 2 trips out of it.. We will be leaving Florida and driving to Arkansas for a couple of weeks then we will head out to California. This next station is going to be very different from this one. Jacob is going to actually be on the new Homeland Security Cutter out of Alameda. At this station he stands duty 2 on and 2 off with duty every other weekend . Going out to California he can be gone as long as 4 months at a time! It is going to be very hard on him having to leave LA behind and I am not looking forward to this. We are going to miss him so much but we will make it through! I know God has a plan for us and this is what He wanted for our family! I mean seriously who can say that they lived in Florida and California..Not too many people! Please keep our family in your prayers as we start this new transition in our lives!!

We took a video of LA earlier Jacob was asking her if she wanted to be a California baby and here is her response..HAHAHA!! (I think we may be in trouble!!) She did say no to the boat and ended up loving every minute of it!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My baby is growing up too fast!!

Look Who is 9 Months Old!!

I know I'm about a week late for this post but better late than never right!?! WOW!! I know I say this every month, but seriously our baby is growing up way to fast.. Every month I get a little more sad that LA is growing up so fast but am also very happy because she is doing new things everyday! This week has definitely had it's ups and downs! Thank you guys so much for the comments and phone calls I have received since my last post!! I am feeling a lot better now after talking with you all and we are going to try our hardest to make sure that our baby is healthy and happy! Good news is that today we found out that we will be moving in the next month or so which means new doctor for LA!!! YAY!! This could not have come at a better time..It's funny how things end up working out in the end!! Hopefully we will find out by Monday when and where we are moving. We are praying for California so keep your fingers crossed that we get this boat!! Okay now to the good stuff! Lily Ann here is what you have been doing:

*You weigh 23lbs. 7oz.

*You are 27.5 inches tall

*You are getting 3-7oz. bottles and 1-5oz. bottle a day!

*You are eating 1/3 jar of fruit, veggies and meat, for lunch and dinner!(The doctor has you on a "diet"!!) :)

*You eat 2 tbs. of cereal for breakfast in the morning..(Also part of your "diet"!)

*You are sleeping from 7pm-8:15am!! You are such a good sleeper

*You have a 45 minute nap in the morning and lately(Keep your fingers crossed!) 2 hrs. in the afternoon!

*You love to read books, especially Hello Big Red!! You just scream with excitement while we read it to you and then you cry when we put it away!! (It's never to early to start teaching your children how important the Arkansas Razorbacks are!!) ;)

* You are a roly poly..You roll everywhere and you can clear the living room in less than a minute!

* You love to say Mama and Dada

*You also love giving kisses. You will grab my face with your little hands and sneak in a big slobbery kiss!!

*You are still screaming like crazy at everything..Especially when Daddy comes home from duty. As soon as he walks in the door you start screaming and don't stop until he comes to pick you up and give you kisses!!(Jacob's on duty anywhere from 2-4days at a time!)

*You love, love, love to swim! You are a true water baby!!

*You are now in a big girl car seat and love it!! You just watch everything go by!

*You love music..You are starting to dance when you hear any kind of music..You are also try to sing when Mommy sings to you..Either that or Mommy's voice is so bad you cant stand to hear it so you sing to block me out!! HAHA!!

*You are starting to take baby steps when your Daddy or I hold your hands..

*You love to play with your toys in the floor.You could sit there all day playing if we would let you!

*You are going to be crawling soon..You are scooting backwards on your belly now and we are still working on moving forward.

*You do "laps" in your crib! You love to roll over and scoot down the bed to where your crib toys are!

*You are a very happy baby and are always laughing at anything and everything!

*You love to watch Mickey Mouse and Baby Einstein DVD's.

*You are now testing your boundaries with your Daddy and I. When you really want something you have come up with the cutest little cry where you try and stick our your bottom lip and act like you are going to cry.. Don't worry baby girl,Mommy and Daddy have you all figured out!! Everyone else seems to fall for it every time..What a clever little girl you are!! ;)

Lily Ann, we love you so much and are so thankful that you are our daughter. You are learning new things everyday and we are always amazed by you. You are truly a gift from God and there is not a day that goes by that we do not thank Him for bringing you into our lives. Happy 9 months little girl!!

Mommy and Daddy

Monday, June 15, 2009

I usually don't do this.......

I must say that I am rather upset today, actually if I were to tell you exactly the words for how I feel my Mom would probably yell at me!! HAHAHA!! Today was supposed to be an exciting day. Lily Ann had her 9 month appointment this morning with her doctor and I couldn't wait to see how much she weighed! We were told at her 6 month appointment that we had to maintain her weight because she was off the charts for her weight(19lbs. 14.0oz. and 25inches!)So we were told that she is to get no more than 26 oz. of formula a day and only 1/2 jar(4oz. baby jars) of each fruit, meat, and vegetables for lunch and dinner and to keep her on her 2 tbs of rice cereal in the mornings! Done yay I thought now we will really get control of this because this is what we were told to do!! Well we were doing this at first and then I decided to lower it just a bit so what we ended up doing was she was getting 1/2jar of mixed veggies&meat combined(turkey and vegetables, chicken and apples,..etc) along with 1/2 jar of fruit! Here I am thinking "well technically this is actually 1/2 jar less per meal when the 2 are already combined there is no way that she will be over her weight when we take her back at 9 months!"

LA and I head to the doctor this morning.(Jacob was called out on a case so he wasn't able to meet us, and to tell you the truth it was probably better off that way!) I'm so excited I can't stand it because I just know that we have been on the right track these past few months, or so I thought!! WRONG!! LA weighed in at a whopping 23 lbs.7oz and is 27.5 inches tall!! I was so let down that she had gained about 3 1/2 lbs. over the past few months when we were supposed to maintain her weight! I thought I was going to cry and I knew that the doctor was not going to be happy and I was right!! I just about broke down when he said that "she is off the charts again!" I told him that I don't know how that I was doing everything he was telling me to do actually that I was feeding her less than he had said and yet she still gained the weight!! His response was "This is the time when babies fat cells start to develop. It is very important that you start portion control. I(meaning the doctor) was overweight all my life and what I went through no child should ever have to go through! I wish that someone had told my mom and dad about portion control when I was a child!" With tears in my eyes I said "I do not want this for my child or anyone Else's. I could not live with myself knowing that I have done this to my child!" I just wanted to break down and cry because today for the first time since having Lily Ann I have felt like an inadequate mother. Like I am doing something wrong that is going to hurt my child! As I'm sitting here wiping the tears from my eyes I keep saying to myself that she is a baby and babies do get fat and once they really start crawling and walking then that's when they shed the pounds! I'm not a mother who lets her child eat whatever she wants when ever she wants. I understand (according to her doctor) that she apparently has a slow metabolism and that it may take her longer to get rid of weight than it will others. I just don't know if I understand the whole portion thing at this age! I understand that she has been gaining weight and I understand that it is up to me, her mother, to make sure that she fed and taken care of. This really just stresses me out because growing up I was lucky enough to not have any weight problems and let me tell you how big I was as a baby..Way bigger than LA!! Weight was something that I almost never or ever really worried about.. Now I feel like I'm constantly feeling like I need to put my baby on a diet because I do not want her to have weight problems and I feel that I feel this way because of the way her doctor tells us that we should really slow down on her eating.. Isn't this going to give my baby a weight complex teaching her this at this age!?! I'm stuck in between a crossroad. I will do what her doctor tells me to do because he is a doctor and he has seen this many times before... I also feel that he presses this issue because of the way he was growing up and I think that he blames his parents for it and wants to educate other parents of what happens when you let your child eat what they want and when they want and to learn portion control..I can not tell you how many times during our conversation this morning that "portion size" came up!! I am willing to do whatever it takes that make sure that my daughter is healthy and happy! I would never compromise my daughters health because I feel that she needs to eat more or less. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else has run across this problem with their child? How much does your baby eat? Etc..I'm all ears!!

I know that I am a good mother.. I know that LA is a very healthy, happy baby girl! I try not to let things get under my skin but this has just rocked me to the core! I know that God will lead me in the right direction I just have to give him time to get his message to me..Because apparently I missed it!! LOL!! WHEW...I had to get that off my chest and man do I feel better!! On a better note.. I will be taking Lily Ann to get her pictures made today to surprise Daddy for father's day!! Awww I have some really cute ideas in my head and I hope they play out in the studio!! I will post the pictures soon and do a 9 month posting for Lily Ann!!

Oh my I almost forgot to inform you! As many of you know we live in Government Housing here in Florida..Basically the Government bought 8 houses in a community and lease them out for people who are stationed here! Nice housing I must add!! Anyways this community that we live in is a deed restricted community..Since we are owned by the government we are not part of the deed restrictions and the older people in the neighborhood absolutely hate us!! Literally they hate us.. They will call the station if there is grass in the cracks of our driveways, we've been called before because Jacob will sometimes take his motorcycle out for an evening ride 8 o'clock or even sometimes take it to work.(Which he leaves at 625am and apparently it's too early to start a motorcycle!!) Well it seems as if one of our lovely neighbors decided to send a letter, yes a letter one of Florida's Congressman telling how the houses are trashed, no one ever mows there lawns and basically that these 8 Coast Guard houses are bringing down the community! It couldn't be the 25 houses in this neighborhood that have been foreclosed on, where the grass is up to the roofs!! No it's not those houses it's our the one's with grass in the cracks of our driveways!! HAHAHA!! I just had to add that in because I think that it is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard!! Had to end this post on a funny note!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wonderful Wednesdays!!!

LA is still trying to learn to crawl.. I have a feeling it will be a while before we accomplish this as she has taken up on rolling everywhere now!! LOL!! It's sooo funny to watch her just roll everywhere!! We have a roller!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Yesterday was our 7 year anniversary!! I can't believe it has already been 7 years since we tied the knot! We had a great day laying around the house and playing with our little princess! Last night Bonny came over to watch LA while Jacob and I went to dinner and a movie..It's been so long since we have been out on a "date" and we enjoyed every minute of it (Even though all we talked about was LA!) I thank God everyday for Jacob. He is truly the best husband/father ever. I love you so much and am looking forward to see what more God has planned out for us!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Funny Fridays....

*Don't mind my annoying "beep beep" voice in the background.. I just can't get enough of this happy baby!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

WOW!! Busy busy busy...

Sorry it's been a while! We have had a very busy last couple of weeks.. Jacob's family came down for a week long visit..Georgia, Kennie, Ben, Becky, and Matthew all came down..(All that was missing was Luke who is still in Iraq!) They arrived on Friday before Memorial Day.. Lily Ann was in heaven with all the attention and let me tell you she didn't miss a beat! Friday we just relaxed. Saturday we got up headed towards the beach had a great lunch and then we all headed over to the Station so they could check it out and take a nice ride on one of the new 33's.. We headed back home for LA to take a nap then spent the rest of the evening relaxing. Sunday we decided to get LA's pool out so we could take a swim and let her entertain us.. Which she did as always.. Monday(Memorial Day) we got up and headed down to Stephanie and Brian's for their going away party at the pool...Once again LA was great and swam for a long time! She was soooo worn out by the time we got home that night! Tuesday we ended up renting a boat and once again there was a lot of swimming going on!! LA had a blast!! Wednesday we got up and headed to Orlando. We stayed at a wonderful place that had 3 bedrooms 2 balconies, and a huge big screen TV..LA loved that it was all tile floor and was all over the place in her walker! We went out had a nice lunch came back and LA and I took a little nap then it was off to the pool for yet another day in the water.. Man we are sooo lucky that she loves the water!! She stole the show at the pool everyone just loved her.. She was being little "Hollywood" (as we call her) looking at everyone smiling laughing and her oh so wonderful screams!! You could hear her from a mile away and people were coming to see what was going on..Everyone loved it!! Thursday we took LA to Sea World for her first time.. She LOVED IT!! She was such a good baby! Her Grandpa Bouxsein took her to see the penguins and she just smiled and stared.. Jacob and I got to ride the rides too it was awesome! Once again we had a crowd around us looking and laughing at little "Hollywood".. Jacob and I were sitting with her under the shade while his parents, Ben, Becky, and Matt were on the water ride.. There is a big drop and you can see everyone on the ride..Well they always scream when they are coming down so what do you think LA was doing EVERYTIME one came down!?! Yep that's right she was screaming her little heart out with them..It was the funniest thing I have ever seen..People once again were crowded around us just to watch her.. We headed home shortly after.. It was a 3 hour car ride and guess who was awake the whole time!! Just playing and laughing oh yeah and screaming!! LOL!! Friday morning the Bouxsein's got up and left and lets just say that LA was completely exhausted and sooo off her schedule so she was fussy baby all day!! We had a very good time and are still trying to get caught back up on our sleep and schedules..