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Sunday, January 31, 2010

12 Weeks..

So as most of you know I'm pregnant again!! WAhoooo!! We couldn't be more excited to finally have our family complete. My due date is August 15, 2010.. Which means that LA and the baby will be right around 18 months apart which is what I've always wanted even though we were surprised it happened when it did.. This little bugger growing in my belly has given me a run for my money.LOL!! I have been so nauseated with this baby from about 6 weeks on.. When I say nauseated I can't even feed LA her food because it makes me sick..(Thank God for Nana!!)Around 7 weeks I started to spot and have bad cramping so Mom took me to the ER and it was the first time I got to see our little baby!! (Jacob was here but unfortunately he was home throwing up with a stomach bug!) Diagnosis:Threatened miscarriage..That is enough to scare anyone.. I was put on bed rest for several days and it killed me to watch my Mom and sisters take care of LA while I couldn't do anything for her!! It really broke my heart!

I have gone to see Dr. Phillips, here in Fort Smith, 2 times now.. The first was to see what was going on and he said that it was normal but that I needed to wait to travel back to CA for a couple of weeks to make sure.. I went back last week and everything looked great and we got the okay to head back!! LA and I will be staying here a couple more weeks. I want to be home as little as possible before Jacob gets home for my fear of something happening and I can't take care of LA.. So Emily, LA, and I will head back around the 15th of February. Did I mention that Jacob is coming HOME!! YAY!! We are soo excited to finally be together as a family again.. These past 5 months have been long and hard, but like everything else it's worth it in the end!!

Here's little Baby B at 11 weeks 1 day!! I think it's a girl..LOL!! Jacob, of course says otherwise!!(It's not really a clear picture but you can tell a little!)

Here I am at 12 weeks..HOLY BELLY!! Look how big I already am.. I wasn't this big with LA til almost 6 months!! I can only imagine how much bigger I will get..(Don't mind the no makeup and bad hair!! LOL)

LA's first time to play in the snow...

Mom and I took LA out to play in the snow yesterday afternoon when she woke up from her nap.. As you can see from the video she was not a big fan at first but slowly warmed up to it.. She still didn't pick any up or get down and play in it.. She basically just stood there like what is this cold and wet stuff..HAHAHA!!

BTW Emily and Erika got me a Flip Camera for Christmas and my birthday and I love it! If you don't have one I highly suggest you go out and by one..They are easy to use and it's little enough to fit in your pocket!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


This is LA's version of a Razorback Touchdown..Can you tell she's enjoying herself!!